The Devastating Story Behind Kyle Viljoen's Health Issues

On October 1, Kyle Viljoen shocked his fans when he opened up about his terrifying trip to the hospital on Instagram. "Late Sunday night was the start to a scary ride for Zachary and I. After starting a new medication, I begin to feel generally unwell," he explained. "Little did I know the battle I was going to face was the most painful and traumatic bodily experience of my life." Kyle went on to reveal that his health scare first started after he experienced throat pain. While he went to the hospital and was initially diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth disease, his condition continued to get worse. After five days of discomfort, Kyle said that he was rushed to the ER, where he was told that he had Stevens-Johnson syndrome. According to the Mayo Clinic, SJS is a rare illness that impacts the skin and mucous membranes. "With an impeccable medical staff, a loving fiancé, and support of friends and family I am working towards making a full recovery," Kyle continued. 

Since sharing his scary diagnosis, Kyle has periodically given fans updates about his health. Appearing on "Watch What Happens Live!," the reality TV star took to Instagram with an emotional caption. "I'm so thankful my recovery from [SJS] is happening in the time that it is so I was ultimately able to be back where it makes me the happiest –– Camera ready and part of a huge happy party," he wrote.
